Kyran Max eläkkeelle kansainvälisistä kilpailuista
Kyra Kyrklundin kilpahevonen, ruotsalaissyntyinen SWB-ruuna Max (14 v, isä Master) jättää jäähyväiset kansainvälisille kilpa-areenoille nyt uransa huipulla. Hevosen viimeinen esiintyminen oli rakastetun Cabaret-musiikin tahtiin Windsorin EM-kilpailuissa elokuussa, mikä toi kilpailuissa 7. sijan.
Max rakasti esiintymistä yleisölle ja se otti uransa aikana sijoituksen 33 kansainvälisestä kilpailuista startattuaan 35:ssä. Max jatkaa Kyran ratsuna edelleen esiintyen koulutus- ja juhlatilaisuuksissa. Se toimii myös opetusmestarina Kyran oppilaille.
Kyra itse jatkaa kansainvälistä kilpauraansa ja tallissa on useita lupaavia tulevaisuuden GP-ratsuja.
Ohessa Kyran lehdistötiedote asiasta:
Max to retire from top level international competition
Following his success placing him 7th at the European championships in Windsor Max's owners Kyra Kyrklund and Yvette Conn have announced his retirement from international competition.
- I like happy endings said Kyra. "Max has been one of my most consistent and honest horses. He has been competing at top level international Grand Prix for the past six years. He is a true gentleman who always tries his best. I felt this was the right moment and that is why we chose to reuse our favourite freestyle music Cabaret for his farewell. It was a big decision and in my heart I felt sad that he was entering the international arena for the last time but I knew it is the right thing to do. He has given us all so much more than we ever expected or hoped for.
I consider Max to be a perfect ambassador for dressage. He loves an audience so I now look forward to take him to lecture demos and gala performances."
Max at the Olympic Games in Hong Kong. Photo by Jytte Lemkov.
- It has been a wonderful journey said Yvette Conn. "I have watched Max in his daily training since he was four years old. Together with Kyra and Richard I have had so many wonderful experiences all over the world. I have reached heights in dressage that I never dreamt possible as an owner. Two World Cup Finals, three European Championships, the World Equestrian Games and the Olympics - it doesn't get better than that. I agree with Kyra that it is the right time for Max to take a new path in his life."
Max waving goodbye to the audience in Windsor. Photo by Sonja Holma.
Kyra will continue to ride Max at home and he may also be a mentor for some of her students. Kyra's career at the top of international competitive dressage spans some 25 years. She has successfully trained and competed numerous horses in international Grand Prix dressage.
- I am not planning to retire myself quite yet, says Kyra, as I have a few interesting Grand Prix prospects at home!
Max (14, Swedish Warmblood by Master) started in 35 international shows and was placed in 33 of them. These are the highlights:
Year Place Result
2004 CDIO Hickstead 1st GP Freestyle
2005 CDI Lingen 1st GP Freestyle
2005 European Championships in Hagen 12th GP Freestyle
2006 CDIO Aachen 2nd GP, GPS, GP Freestyle
2006 CDI Stuttgart 1st GP & GP Freestyle
2006 World Equestrian Games in Aachen 7th GP Freestyle
2007 World Cup Final in Las Vegas 4th
2008 World Cup Final in s'Hertogenbosch 3rd
2008 CDI Wiesbaden 1st GP Freestyle
2008 Olympic Games in Hong Kong 6th GP Freestyle, 8th overall
2009 CDI Addington 1st GP & GP Freestyle
2009 World Dressage Masters in Munich 2nd GP Freestyle
2009 World Dressage Masters in Cannes 2nd GP Freestyle
2009 European Championships at Windsor 7th GP Freestyle
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